This survey is not a request for hurricane evacuation transportation, since Fort Bend County is not an evacuation county. However, if severe weather is anticipated, or if there is severe wind damage or flooding after a storm, some people may need to be moved to a safer place. During a disaster or an emergency, people with functional and medical needs may require assistance if they experience power outages, need medications or need medical support. This survey will help us identify people who may need assistance during an emergency and assist us in planning for such an event. If you have a disability, use medical equipment at home, are hearing or vision impaired, or are elderly, and anticipate needing assistance please complete the following survey.
If you have any questions, please contact: Fort Bend County Health & Human Services | 4520 Reading Road, Suite A | Rosenberg, TX 77471 | (281) 238-3514 Thank you for your assistance. |

The first line of defense against the effects of a disaster is personal preparedness. During an emergency, the government and other agencies may not be able to meet your needs. It is important for all citizens to make their own emergency plans and prepare for their own care and safety in an emergency.